Since 2018, I have played the IG business growth game in the name of research for you and the women I work with and in the name of desperately trying to grow my own clout.
In those years, I've tested and implemented EVERY strategy in the book- from hiring a growth service (bad idea) to individually targeting up to 100 women a day (also a bad idea). You name it, I've done it.
What I've since realized is that, while the swipe up feature is convenient and thousands and thousands of followers feels cool sometimes, NEITHER one of these achieve what I desire and need as a business owner:
I've learned that
more followers ≠ more impact and income.
it's actually:
more attention = more impact and income.
For the past year I've put this to the test by focusing on quality over quantity in everything when it comes to social media, from the content I create and post to personal interactions I have in comments and direct messages-
and the results have been telling..
My audience has increased, but at a much slower rate.
My engagement has increased.
And I'm on track to nearly double last year's sales.
The strategy I intuitively created and started following for myself is what I now call the A³ method.
And now this method is available for you.